We've received the results from all of our testing. Our baby has been diagnosed with Spina Bifida and Chiari II Malformation (pronounced kee-ar-ee). So far what we've been told is that he will have a moderate form of Spina Bifida, called meningocele. In this type of Spina Bifida, the nerve elements do not extend outside of the spine, which is very good news as far as mobility goes. We still have to wait for the Neurosurgeon's opinion about whether it's for sure this form of Spina Bifida though. And we won't know exactly what our baby boy's mobility will be until he's born. The prognosis for mobility of this type of Spina Bifida is a huge range, from anywhere between having no nerve damage, to paralysis and organ dysfunction. Paralysis is rare with this form, but still a possibility. The Chiari II Malformation is a brain condition, and is a side effect of the Spina Bifida. It also has a huge range of outcomes, and we won't know how this will affect him until much later on. Sometimes with very successful surgery for the Spina Bifida, the Chiari II Malformation resolves and becomes less severe. We will learn more about our baby's individual prognosis, as far as mobility goes, when we meet with his Neurosurgeon next week, we'll just have to wait and see.
We are doing quite well with the news. The Lord has given us much, much peace. We understand that Spina Bifida is a serious condition, and that he'll have surgery almost right away after being born, that he'll be in the NICU for a few weeks, and that there is always a chance of things going much worse than they suspect at this point. However, we are so very grateful, and so relieved that our baby has completely normal chances for survival. And we are extremely hopeful that he will have as normal a life as possible, even if it involves a wheelchair. This diagnosis is so much better than what we were initially told to be prepared for, as we spent those initial days thinking that our baby wouldn't survive more than a few hours after being born. Praise the Lord for saving our baby!
Some more of our praises:
-Praise the Lord that our baby's neural surgeon is among the best in the world! We've been told that our baby has the best chance for mobility because this specific doctor will be operating on him.
-Spina Bifida babies usually have hydrocephalus, which is fluid on the brain, and is quite serious. Our baby has none! Praise the Lord!
-Praise the Lord that baby turned around and showed part of his face and his entire head for the ultrasound yesterday! They had suspected a cleft palate, but now think not. One less surgery to be done! They also suspected a small head size, which is bad, but now that he's shown his whole head, they've seen that it's a normal size!
-Praise the Lord that the baby is otherwise healthy, and that I'm healthy, so chances of a pre-mature birth are very low.
-Praise the Lord for carrying us during this time. We have had so much peace throughout this, and we know it's from the Lord. It truly surpasses all understanding. Even our own! We are so thankful for that for many reasons, one of which is that it has given us the freedom to fully love, adore and anticipate our baby boy, instead of fearing what's to come. I'm more excited for him to be born, to meet him, and hold him now than I was even a month ago when we thought everything was normal!
Our current prayer needs:
-Hydrocephalus usually sets in by now, but it can set in later. Hydrocephalus can be very bad, so please pray that this doesn't happen.
-Pray that his spinal cord is well protected, and for the least amount of nerve damage possible to take place.
-Pray that the Chiari II Malformation goes away. There is a chance that if the surgery after he's born is very successful, that the Chiari II can resolve.
-Pray that the baby would stay put and that he wouldn't try to make an early appearance! His best chances rely on a long pregnancy.
-Pray for God's continued peace and sustaining power to guide and lead us.
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